Monday, November 12, 2012

Kayla's Bedroom

Alright, I am proud to say that we have finally finished one of the most disgusting rooms in our house. (decor, that is) When we moved into this house, each room was a different color, there was wall paper galore. This room was no exception. There was a pale yellow, polka dot print wall paper on the top half of the room, and a light Tiffany Blue on the bottom. It was awful, to say the least. This room also happens to be my 16 year old step daughter's room. She was SO over the polka dots. I really really wish I had a picture of the before decor, because this is quite the transformation!

I decided that we would go with a darker color. Usually I steer clear from dark colors, for fear that the room will look too small. Well, since I am not in the room very often I figured we will give it a :) I chose a really fantastic color, it is called "Almost Charcoal" and it is a Valspar paint that I purchased at Lowe's. Our intentions are to have a gray and pink room. 
My kids and I cranked up the music, and got to painting. Well, I did the painting, they jumped on the bed the whole time. After the color was on the wall, 2 coats, it looked great. I loved it more than I expected. And it did not make the room look small at all. In fact, is seemed very cozy. 
Even though we loved the color, Kayla and I had the idea to do one wall with a chevron pattern. I love the way they look, but was NOT looking forward to all the mapping out of the pattern... UGH. 

 The easiest way I could think to do it was with a graph. I got out a yard stick, some white chalk, and the best painting tape EVER.... Frog Tape. 


Bear with me while I explain this..... I decided I wanted each horizontal line to be 12 inches apart, and each vertical line 24 inches apart. That means that my chevron is longer than it is tall. It didn't fir perfectly on my wall as I was left with about 7" at the top and not a full 12". I figured I would just eyeball this section. I did a pretty damn good job too :) lol. I kept taping, then stepping back to see if the lines were all parallel. Anyhow, I first did my vertical lines...

Followed by my horizontal lines ( you can see my tics for these)....

And then before you knew it, my whole wall looked like this....

Now, all I had to do was go from corner to corner with my tape. Can you believe that I didn't take a picture of just the tape on the wall?? Neither can I. I actually swear that I did, but it is nowhere to be seen. wtf. Ok, so I just used a semi-gloss white paint from Home Depot. I had to do 3 friggin' coats before the gray was totally covered. I took the tape off real quick before The Walking Dead came on and VOILA.... I was in love..

I love it, I love it, I love it. And I am pretty sure that Kayla will love it too! So all in all, the most dreaded grid on the wall took a total of about 10 minutes. NOT bad at all. The chalk just wiped off after I was done. Thank God too, because Dylann saw me drawing on the wall and so naturally she joined in :)
I do realize there are no pillows on the bed. I am not sure which rooms those have been moved to, but I do have pillows for her :) Here are a few pics of the finished room and the other little pieces added  to it. 
The picture is crooked, not the frames... I swear :)
These are Goodwill bought, plain frames that I painted white and sprayed "Diamond Dust " on them. This picture does them NO justice

This dresser was Rickys' Grandmothers, I repainted it and gave it some delicate knobs. 

A few pieces inspired by Pinterest, and a glitter painted mirror. Perfect for a 16 year old 

I am sure you are wondering, where in the hell is the pink, in your pink and gray room. Well, I don't know either. I really want to make a headboard, so maybe I will do it in this room. A pink headboard will look great in here. 
Let me know what you think!!!

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